Jaco in Home Massage Costa Rica
The Art and Science of Pure Flower and Plant Essences
Created to provide a high quality & Professionals Services in Jaco Costa Rica, beauty, botanically based Products That would be better for Service Providers and their customers, AS WELL as for the Planet.
Jaco Massage, Salon Spa prides itself of been a different concept Salon in Jaco bach. Search trough our site For More Information About the Spa and Salon Services as well as information and news UPDATES, We are happy that you stopped to check our webiste and hope to hear from You soon! ATT: Raquel & Bolivar Rodriguez

Jaco Massage in Costa Rica
Massage is a practical approach to improving our health. Involves direct manipulation tissues flexibility helping to restore and muscular system operation and other systems.
Massages have been around since ancient times and there are many types of massage available and each has multiple health benefits.
Here are some of the benefits:
- Increases performance in work, daily life, and competitive sport.
- Fights stiffness, muscle tension and joint diseases.
- It has preventive effects, analgesics, anti painful and relaxing.
- Restores elasticity and muscle flexibility. Click here to learn more about Jaco Massage
- Massage is neuro Sedative, neurostimulator, and Relieving, Relieving decreases as contractures facilitating muscle relaxation.
“Getting a massage is not a luxury but a necessity.”

Here is More about Benefits of Massage
It is anti-stress, relieves emotional stress, descontractura and relaxes muscles, increasing blood circulation, removing accumulated waste in the bloodstream. At the circulatory system, it reduces the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. The person feels a sense of calm and tranquility.
It decreases pain by improving blood circulation of nutrients and scope of oxygen more quickly to needy areas. It reduces inflammation and enhances wound healing. The hand contact with our specialist body gives comfort, also regulates and alleviates the psycho-physical stress.
Gives a greater elasticity to the skin, it becomes smooth and soft. In the digestive system increasing gastric secretion, improving the stomach and intestinal problems. Strengthens the immune system, with better and better blood circulation in the body, it detoxifies and therefore can respond more effectively to diseases.
How to start a good massage session?
In principle, the place should be quiet, and acclimated to the situation. The person applying needs very quiet massage. It would be good to talk with the therapist on our tastes, so we like soft music, a particular perfume light primarily expected to be low, and the heated atmosphere.
The application of heat before the session helps to increase blood circulation in the muscles intensifying the effects of massage. Can be performed by an infrared lamp, which would be a means used by a physiotherapist, this heat is applied for a period of 10 to 15 minutes.
The heat produced must be nice for the duration of the application. All people are different, some can tolerate more heat than others, white skin are less resistant and more susceptible to burns. Attention to these recommendations to avoid unpleasant moments. Then the session gently and slowly begins to enjoy the benefits we offer massages.